Whale Tail

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Chopsticks Holder

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Konagi’s new body of work, “Vivid '', embraces the use of color, untraditional to his style of work thus far. Konagi, born partially color blind, typically avoided certain color spectrums in his work citing a lack of uncertainty in his choices due to his inability to distinguish certain colors from another - thus creating a disconnect from people and their ability to engage with his work. 

However, Konagi has recently been uncovering the fascination he has with color. Namely, how two people, identifying the same hues and spectrum, can experience them in wildly different ways. The new body of work was inspired by a simple conversation with a friend of Konagi’s who became interested in his work and their variations in color.

True to Konagi's form, this new body of work is playful and imaginative while keeping his signature vocabulary and aesthetic.